Luminate the Day 2025

05/17/2025 08:00 AM - 04:30 PM ET


Welcome to the fourth annual ‘Luminate the Day’ competition, located in Grand Rapids, MI. Once again, Luminary Fitness and Windy Willow Foundation have come together to host our fourth nonprofit fit-fest! Our event works to raise awareness for community health and wellness.

LTD is 100% nonprofit, where the event will be working to raise funds for Windy Willow Foundation. Windy Willow Foundation is an organization working to provide access, advocacy, and action for mental health initiatives. The foundation is dedicated to bettering the root challenges involved in mental health, wellness and suicide prevention for children, adolescents and young adults.

LTD will begin at Luminary Fitness on May 17th at 8:00am, check-in beginning at 7am. 

Three person team

LTD will feature Rx/Scaled divisions for teams of three men or three women. Our Rx division is programmed to be accessible-competitive where Scaled is designed to be extremely accessible to any who are interested. 

For all signups please follow this link:

We can’t do it without you! All volunteers will receive appreciation, food, and shirts! Please click the following link to follow/signup for our volunteer positions:

Luminate the Day is an event brining attention and awareness to our community’s health and wellness. We invite interested sponsors to reach out to us. Our goal is to create intentional relationships and get to know everyone involved this day. All sponsors/donors please reach out to David Halvorson at

1) Event/Booth Sponsor:
-Sponsors will be recognized through social  media announcements, day-of announcements, logos posted on competition t-shirts and will also be posted on our event banner. all sponsors are welcome to be involved in our “vendor village”. sponsors can bring a 10x10 booth and sell product, promote services and/or giveaway specials to attendees/athletes.
2) Non-paid Booth Attendee:
-no cost
-reserved for health/wellness related and/or local businesses
-please reach out for more information

Sponsorship/Donation Link:

Nonprofit Links: